What is brand strategy and how do you create a strong one?
Is your brand clearly identifiable by customers? Do all your employees understand your brand goals? If the answer to either question is no, you may need to define or refine your brand strategy. Here, we define brand strategy and provide a step-by-step process for developing your own.
Global branding: How to manage your brand across markets
When Starbucks launched in Australia in 2000, the coffeehouse chain was already an international powerhouse. But by 2008, Starbucks had closed 61 of the 87 stores nationwide. What went wrong? And what do global brand strategies have to do with it?
Fünf erfolgreiche Rebrandings
Der Start eines Rebrandings ist für Marken oft eine einschüchternde Angelegenheit. Es erfordert Sorgfalt und Hingabe, um eure Identität und Perspektive zu verändern. Aber die Ergebnisse können beeindruckend sein und dafür sorgen, dass euer Zielpublikum ununterbrochen über euren neuen Look spricht.
The relationship between brands and agencies
In our recent report together with AdWeek on the Future of Creativity, we explored that relationship and how rising pressures, emerging technologies, and shifts in market focus have caused a strain to open up between brands and their agencies. The report dived into the subject of creativity, with an overwhelming number of respondents affirming that creativity is more important than ever before.
Creativity in an AI world: Paul Woodvine Dragon Rouge
Paul Woodvine is the Executive Creative Director at Dragon Rouge. His experience includes huge brand names such as UEFA, Champions League, and Pepsi, and often features packaging and experiential elements. This focus shines through in his answers here, as he discusses when and where is best to utilize generative AI in your project’s life cycle.
Creativity in an AI World: Gwen Lafage (Sinch)
Gwen Lafage is a global marketing leader and VP of Brand at Sinch. At Sinch as well as in previous roles, she focuses on creating impactful strategies and providing insightful thought leadership. Her advocacy for strong, brave brands is evident throughout this interview, where she talks about using generative AI to go further, faster, and bigger than ever before.
6 Best Practices: So steigert ihr den ROI eurer DAM-Plattform
Wer den Mehrwert einer Investition in ein Digital Asset Management (DAM)-System nachweisen möchte, benötigt die richtige Strategie. Wir zeigen euch, wie ihr die Vorteile einer DAM-Plattform anhand harter Fakten belegt – von Kosteneinsparungen bis hin zur Steigerung eures Markenwerts.
Reflections on Tietoevry’s purposeful new identity, enabled by Frontify
We chatted with Marte Alvfalk, Global Senior Brand Manager at Tietoevry, to discuss their recent rebranding journey — and how the decision to use Frontify as a brand hub made the process much simpler and easier.
Reflections on rebranding with PORTO ROCHA
We sat down with Leo Porto, Founder and Creative Director, to discuss two of their recent projects: rebranding Olympikus, Brazil’s number one sports and fitness brand, and developing the new evergreen platform for Nike’s "Be True," which highlights the LGBTQIA+ community in the world of sport.
Reflections on rebranding with Mutabor
Kleinanzeigen’s recent rebrand arose from a necessity — with a change in ownership, the brand flag they flew under was departing. And so, with the help of branding and design agency Mutabor, a long-time partner of Frontify, the online classifieds marketplace set out to reinvent its brand and elevate its positioning as a leader in sustainability.
Empower your marketing teams with DAM
Digital assets are the backbone of successful marketing endeavors. Managing digital assets, however, can feel like herding cats. In the dark. Files seem to get updated or are outdated as soon as they’re neatly organized. But there’s a solution — the proverbial laser pointer drawing everyone’s attention to what matters — enabling marketers to organize, manage, and share assets effortlessly.
How to measure brand performance (and the role of KPIs)
Marketers have many sophisticated tools to measure their work’s impact. In the last few years, we have seen a similar need to quantify and analyze brand-related efforts. Companies want to make data-driven decisions to understand and improve their brand’s value. But how do you harness the power of analytics to measure and enhance the notoriously elusive “brand”?
What leading brand infrastructure looks like
In this interview series, we delve into the concept of brand infrastructure — the team, assets, tech, and decision-making processes that enable top brands to excel in the branding space. Learn how some of the strongest brands navigate this changing landscape, leverage tech, foster brand adoption and collaboration, and empower employees.
Writing the Financial Times’ brand success story
Tia McPhee is the Global Brand & Partnerships Director at the Financial Times (FT), a leading international newspaper. In her role, she oversees the development and execution of the FT's brand strategy and marketing framework. The Financial Times is renowned for its trusted news, analysis, and insights on business, finance, and global affairs, serving a diverse readership worldwide.
Your brand identity checklist - 4 key stages to follow
Whether you’re working on an existing brand or developing a new one from scratch, getting your brand identity right is crucial. Use this checklist to ensure your brand is consistently represented across all platforms and touchpoints — and it resonates with your target audience.
Philipp Michel von TUI: Was Flugzeuge einem über Markenführung lehren
Philipp Michel leitet das globale Brand Team bei TUI und verantwortet die wichtige Aufgabe, die Markenidentität der Marke TUI zu steuern. Während seiner Amtszeit ist er für die Definition des Erscheinungsbildes und der Erfahrung der Marke an einer Vielzahl von Kundenkontaktpunkten verantwortlich, die Websites, Apps, Einzelhandelsgeschäfte, Flugzeuglieferungen, Transferbusse und Kundendienstteams umfassen.
How to master digital asset management workflows
Managing your company’s digital assets is essential for building a consistent brand and streamlining collaboration across the business. But without a clear process in place, it’s difficult to create, review, and share your files effectively. So a workflow is essential for the smooth management of your brand assets.
Frontify's brand visionaries
Last year, we launched Paradigms, Frontify’s brand experience summit, to help forge a stronger connection between some of the movers and shakers in modern branding, allowing visionary thinkers to clink glasses, exchange ideas, and find new ways to look at old challenges. This year, we want to continue to shine the spotlight on people we think change branding and design — and celebrate their work beyond Paradigms. Frontify’s Brand Visionaries 2023 include 90 people from the US, Europe, and the DACH region (German, Austria, and Switzerland, where Frontify was born 10 years ago). These visionaries inspire, challenge, and help bring about the future of branding. And you may meet some of them at this year’s Paradigms in Lisbon.
Digitale Markenrichtlinien
Markenrichtlinien können ganz unterschiedlich umfangreich sein und von wenigen Seiten bis zu einigen hundert reichen. Für alle gilt jedoch, dass sie umfassende Informationen dazu enthalten, wie eure Marke repräsentiert werden soll – in Wort, Schrift und Design.
What leading brand infrastructure looks like
In this interview series, we delve into the concept of brand infrastructure — the team, assets, tech, and decision-making processes that enable top brands to excel in the branding space. Learn how some of the strongest brands navigate this changing landscape, leverage tech, foster brand adoption and collaboration, and empower employees.
AI’s impact on marketers and brands, according to 500 CMOs
We surveyed 500 chief marketing officers (CMOs) in the US and the UK to get a pulse on how the rise of generative AI is impacting their brands. Their responses paint a picture of excitement and caution: 74% of CMOs reveal that an unsolicited “fake brand partnership” would be their worst nightmare.
Generationsübergreifendes Marketing: 7 Tipps, um Generationen X bis Z richtig anzusprechen
Jede Generation hat spezifische Vorlieben und Kaufgewohnheiten. Um mit eurem Marketing mehr Wirkung zu erzielen, müsst ihr die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten der Generationen kennen und verstehen.
Frontify acquires TwicPics: A brand new era for DAM
Frontify's acquisition of TwicPics creates a seamless brand management experience, merging asset delivery services and a leading DAM platform. This strategic move meets market demand for centralized solutions, enhancing brand efficiency while providing comprehensive, user-friendly brand management solutions.
B&O: Rebranding from functional to experiential
We talk to two branding experts at high-end audio-visual company Bang & Olufsen (B&O): Paul Collins, Global Creative Director, and Matthew Bostock, Creative Lead, take us behind the scenes of the brand’s transition and transformative journey toward contemporary luxury.
Metadaten und Tags zur optimalen Nutzung eures Digital Asset Management-Systems
Metadaten und Tags können Arbeitsabläufe sowie Endnutzererlebnisse optimieren, aber das richtige Aufsetzen dieser Prozesse kann herausfordernd sein. Um euch hierbei zu unterstützen, haben wir wichtige Informationen und Best Practices für euch zusammengetragen, die ihr für eine reibungslose und effektive Implementierung eurer Metadaten und Tags benötigt.
Authentizität, Ethik & Generation Z: Wie du deine Marke zukunftssicher machst
Die Erwartungen der Kunden ändern sich heute schnell. Mehr als frühere Generationen sieht sich die Gen Z als „echte Stakeholder" der Marken, die sie kauft. Sie erwarten, dass sie eine „echte Beziehung" zu den Unternehmen aufbauen, nicht nur eine transaktionale Verbindung.
Was ist Brand Engagement und wie kann es eurem Unternehmen nutzen?
Wenn sich eure Kund:innen sowie euer Team nicht mit eurer Marke auseinandersetzen, ist es schwer, das Wachstum des Unternehmens voranzubringen. Der Aufbau von Brand Engagement ist der Schlüssel, um die Bekanntheit und Loyalität eurer Marke zu steigern.
Brand Governance in Zeiten des Marketingwandels - Insights führender MarkenexpertInnen
Lese unsere Zusammenfassung vom Webinar: „Markentreues“ Handeln ist schwer. Eine konsistente Markenführung ist bereits innerhalb der Grenzen eines Landes ziemlich anspruchsvoll – birgt auf globalem Level jedoch viel komplexere Herausforderungen. Um die Integrität aller Markenwerte zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig die kreative Freiheit zu wahren, sind Prozesse, Tools und die richtige Kommunikation essentiell.
6 brand localization tips from experienced brand marketers
Entering a new market means myriad opportunities to grow your brand. But setting up shop in a different country can also include challenges that have the potential to ruin years of careful brand building. To help marketers overcome any localization obstacles, we asked six experts for their tips on bringing brands to life in new markets.
Wie wähle ich das richtige DAM System - 4 Bedenken, die du haben könntest
Eine Digital Asset Management (DAM)-Plattform kann den Umgang mit Markenwerten einfach, effektiv und effizient gestalten. Aber die Auswahl und Implementierung eines DAM kann eine Herausforderung sein: Überholte Vorstellungen entsprechen nicht mehr der Realität moderner Systeme. Wir möchten dir zeigen, warum Frontify der ideale Partner ist, um deine Marke mit intuitiven und sicheren DAM-Lösungen zukunftssicher zu machen.
FIAT 500: Has the product become its own brand?
Not a day goes by without the launch of a new car model. Recently, a specific detail of an updated vehicle has drawn my attention: its front emblem. Whereas virtually every vehicle’s nose features the brand logo, complemented by the model name at the back, this car proudly shows the latter on its grille: 500. These three digits are a statement — and a look at the tailgate reveals it’s one by FIAT. Now, contrary to the car’s predecessors, why does this primary badge show the type, not the brand?
IWC Schaffhausen: Being unique and staying relevant among luxury watch brands
The density of watch manufacturers in Switzerland is extremely high. In this crowded space, each brand needs to find its narrative sweet spot to survive. An interview with Christian Knoop, Chief Design Officer at IWC Schaffhausen, helps us better understand how seemingly subtle differences in storytelling can make a luxury watch brand unique.
Visa & Mastercard: How Well Do These Brands Actually Tell Their New Story
Companies that share a similar offering often have little space to differentiate themselves in terms of functionality. More than others, they have to highlight the emotional benefits that come with their products. Such businesses are highly interesting, because they reveal the essence of branding. The first example that comes to my mind is credit card brands. Let's take a closer look.
Say Hello to the Brand Team of the Future (No Time Travel Needed)
Brand governance used to mean a small team of brand experts ruling over a brand with an iron fist — controlling the use of assets, putting a stamp of approval on every project, and rigidly enforcing guidelines across every team.
So optimierst du dein Brand Portal
Unternehmen, die wachsen wollen, brauchen ein Brand Portal - eine Online-Plattform, die das Organisieren, Sichern und Teilen deiner Markenrichtlinien und -werte ermöglicht. Um dir dabei zu helfen, dein Markenportal zu bewerten und zukunftssicher zu machen, haben wir eine Übersicht und eine Umfrage erstellt, die die kritischen Elemente eines solchen Portals beleuchten.
How Agencies Partner With Frontify From Pitch to Presentation & Beyond
Most businesses don’t have the bandwidth to tackle rebranding, brand consolidation, and brand development projects on their own. Let’s explore some of the ways branding, digital marketing, and migration agencies are using Frontify to solve their biggest problems.
How Every Team Helps Build Brands
When a lot of us think about branding, our thoughts often go straight to the marketing team. But beyond our marketers – today, building and nurturing a brand needs to involve the entire company. Discover how different teams can pitch in to build a memorable brand.
Multi-Brand Architecture: Frontify's Holistic Approach
Discover our five pillars to multi-brand excellence, and how Frontify can accommodate any kind of brand architecture – no matter its complexity or organizational structure. Even the most elaborate and fast-growing companies can now fit into one single platform.
Introducing Our New Brand Strategy
Mission and vision statements are more than fancy words for the boardroom. They’re part of the brand bedrock – the underpinning of all you do as a company – which is why rethinking ours for a (soon to be revealed) major rebrand was essential.
Frontify Is Where Brands Live
Every touchpoint and experience people have with our brand matters – especially when you’re the home for brands. So, we took ours back to the drawing board for a major rebrand, and we’re over the moon to share where we’ve landed. Now presenting: the brand new Frontify.
Frontify’s Launching a New Partner Program
Agencies, technology providers, and consultancies – they’ve always been an important partner for Frontify, playing a crucial role in the evolution of not only our own brand – but every strong brand out there. Now, let’s take that to the next level.
Product Resources
Product Roundup February 2021
This month’s updates will speed up your brand-lifting content and budget decisions. From fast sign-on to advanced external content embedding and brand performance analytics, you’re equipped with powerful tools to get more done, faster.
Managing Brand Image for a Competitive Edge: A Guide for Telecom Companies
Telecom is a tough industry for brands. Most people who need a phone have a phone, which means the market is saturated. The only way for telecom brands to grow is by keeping the customers they have and poaching new ones from competitors.
Product Resources
Product Roundup January 2021
January this year came with powerful updates focused on helping you be more in control. From project templates to publication approvals, notification management to cross-library asset movement, these updates will delight you regardless of how you use Frontify.
Product Resources
Frontify Launches the First Desktop App for Company Brand Content
A milestone announcement, Frontify introduces a desktop app version of its platform that enables all users, wherever they are, to access, create, and share the digital brand assets and materials they need every day.
Tell a Better Brand Story With These Tips From Dave Gerhardt
Humans have been storytellers for millennia – long before we could even write stories down. In fact, neuroscience has proved that stories tap into our brains in a unique way. So when a story captures our attention, we listen to it, and we remember it.
Product Resources
The Unfiltered Truth About Brand Performance with Analytics
Building a consistent brand is important. And in order to do that you need the ability to measure performance and improve brand-lifting decisions. Let's talk about how that's possible with the new Frontify Analytics.
9 Brand Professionals' Hacks for Cross-Functional Collaboration
Branding is quickly becoming the world's most important business tool – but it's is also becoming increasingly complex. Discover the solutions that leading brand professionals found to improve internal and external brand collaboration.
Social Media-Publishing bei SRF – so unterstützt das Medienhaus seine Redaktionsteams
Daniel Fischer (Head of Product Design) und Jasmin Frischknecht (Projektmanagerin für Digital Design) von SRF haben uns Einblicke darin gegeben, wie sie unsere Digital & Print Templates einsetzen, um allen ihren Teams dieselben, einheitlichen Vorlagen bereitzustellen.
Eine Checkliste für Chief Brand Officers
Chief Brand Officers (CBOs) sind die wichtigsten Botschafterinnen und Botschafter der Marke ihres Unternehmens. Sie sind dafür verantwortlich, alles so zu koordinieren, dass Kundinnen und Kunden eine in sich geschlossene Markenstory vermittelt wird. Doch wie genau erreichen sie das?
How Brand Consistency Drives Business Growth
It goes without saying that the best brands are the ones that are true to form. No matter where you look, everything they do and say is “on-brand." But that isn’t a coincidence or a happy accident. It’s strategic. These businesses know that brand consistency is a game-changer.