Figma App
Developed by Frontify
Add your Figma Designs to Frontify to involve everyone in the design process, centralize assets, and start documenting your Figma Design System within Frontify.
Free | All Plans
- More efficient and effective collaboration across all teams
- Close feedback loops to iterate smarter & faster
- Share design work & principles with everyone who's part of building beloved brands
- Organize project work in one single place across all tools
- Collect feedback and iterate on design (Design System components)
- Document your Design System components as part of the broader Brand System
- An active Figma account
- Creative Collaboration as part of your Frontify plan
More Apps in Design
- Adobe CC Libraries
Make sure your creative teams have access to your Frontify assets, directly in their native Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries.
- Adobe XD
Use Frontify-based brand elements like colors, typo styles, and assets directly in Adobe XD.
- Sketch
Connect design teams through centralized repositories, helping you manage Frontify-based design files directly in Sketch.