Brand Management for Telecom Companies

Brand visibility is a top priority for telecom companies. With Frontify, you can simplify brand management and connect everything (and everyone) important to the growth of your brand.

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How Telecom Companies Can Build a Strong Brand Image

— In an industry with little product differentiation – like telecom – you need to find what makes your brand truly rise above your competitors. This is your unique value proposition.

— Once you’ve decided on the brand image you want to create to stand out among competitors, you need to revisit your brand identity. Ask yourself, do your brand colors, logo, voice, tone, and messaging work together to reinforce that image?

— Strong brands are recognizable because they’re consistent at every customer touchpoint. And because 90% of consumers expect consistency across all platforms and channels, when brands meet their expectations, they generate trust, and trust generates loyalty. In fact, brands that are consistent can increase revenue by 23%.

4 Ways Tech Brands Can Improve Brand Consistency to Grow Visibility

Discover how a brand management software can help telecom companies build a strong brand image and get rid of get rid of clunky systems, static guidelines and scattered assets.

Frontify - The Home for Brand Management

Get everything your brand needs, from start to finish, with the Frontify brand management platform. Give your brand a centralized and secure home, team up to create brand experiences together and stay on-brand in every external touchpoint.

Brand Portal in the Cloud

Vodafone is a world-leading telecom company. The brand currently ranks fourth among global mobile operator groups and was looking for a solution to help them improve consistency. With Frontify, Vodafone has institutionalized the digital brand platform throughout all departments across Germany, strengthening the brand at the core, from how it’s managed and communicated, to the efficiency by which users consume and engage with it every day.

Dank Frontify können wir auf ein und derselben Plattform mit mehr als 40 externen Partnern – insgesamt 500 Personen – kontinuierlich zusammenarbeiten. Mit unserer neuen Markenplattform ist es für uns einfacher denn je, unsere Markenrichtlinien zu teilen und für alle Beteiligten zugänglich zu machen.

Julia Arnold

Senior Brand Identity Consultant bei Vodafone

Ready to Get Started?

Our platform covers all ends of the brand management lifecycle, so your brand continues to evolve and grow to be its very best.