Digital & Print Templates

Create design templates once, decide what can be edited, and allow anyone to customize on-brand visuals on their own. Creativity meets control.

Create stunning templates for
digital, print, and video

Use Sketch, InDesign, or Storyteq to build fully customizable and reusable brand templates for the digital and offline worlds, keeping you and your team on brand.

Brand builders using Frontify

Make everyone a (guided) creator

Help teams without design know-how create ready-to-publish visuals on their own, with templates that encourage autonomy, but keep designers in the driving seat.

Empower teams with template libraries

Create libraries for your design templates and allow any team, wherever they are, to create pre-approved designs all on their own.

Scale (or start) your video templates production

Accelerate the creation, editing, sharing, and distribution of your video templates with a smooth user experience — with our out-of-the-box Storyteq integration.

Optimizing templates and
publications management

Publication approvals

Insights and analytics

Design tool integrations


External data sources

Connected products

Keep your brand consistent with every touchpoint

Increasing efficiency is just the beginning: By creating templates for any use case, you can transform your ongoing commitment to staying on brand from a distant dream into a practical reality.
Digital & Print Templates allows different editorial teams at SRF to produce their visual social media content, autonomously, regardless of their individual tool ecosystem, installed applications, or skill set. How? The Product Design team at SRF can adapt templates with immediate effect and therefore ensure consistent branding throughout the organization.
Daniel Fischer
Head of Digital Design at SRF

Supporting companies
of all sizes

SSO identity management




Insights and analytics

Integrations and API

Exciting brand update? Share the news.

Use our built-in newsletter tool to communicate the latest updates: Share insider brand information, send essential internal messages, and foster discussion across the entire team.

Make your
brand thrive

Your brand is unique, and your Frontify environment should be, too. Start a free trial to explore the features that solve your brand’s specific challenges.